What Else?
Here are tasters of other aspects of energy work:
Past Life Issues
Energy healers have access to all areas of a person’s energy field, including being able to access the client’s Akashic records. This enables the energy healer to identify any current illness or issue which may have been brought forward into their current lifetime from a past life.
Birthmarks, what are they flagging up?
When a person incarnates into this lifetime they will arrive as a new-born with what is called a ‘Life Contract’. This Contract comprises of a number of main reasons for incarnation, but will also include a few side issues from past lives which need to be cleared up. These side issues are identified by birthmarks and skin tags, and they are there to alert their owner that there are some things which need to be resolved from past lives. If they are not resolved, the birth marks or skin tags will return in future incarnations until they are.
If we have deliberately caused life-changing harm, or even death to someone in this or a past life it will create karma. There is a universal karmic balancing system in place for each of us, which is taken into account when our new Life Contract is being compiled for our next reincarnation. It is necessary to rectify those harmful events, otherwise they will happen again. The old saying of ‘history repeats itself’ was never truer than when applied to unresolved karma.
Animals – What's wrong with my pet?
If you are a pet owner you may have had worries about your pet at sometime or another. Because the animal can't talk, they can't tell you what's wrong with them and it is usually left to a vet to make the diagnosis. But sometimes even after a visit to the vet, and allowing for a period of recovery, the pet may not seem like it's usual self. An energy healer, using her hands as a kind of vibrational radar, can locate the problem and if it is healable, heal it.
Higher Guidance Readings
These readings are called higher guidance readings because the reader/healer not only receives help from her spirit guides to assist in the readings and has access to the Akashic records, but is able to call upon ascended masters and archangels for wider information. The reader/healer looks into all areas of the clients life and relays information in order of importance. It may be health, family dynamics, future aspirations, relationships, financial issues and many other life questions.
Remote Healing
This method of healing is usually used when the client can't get in to see the healer. It works in the same way as if the healer and client were both present in the same room, with the healer using a photograph or a description of the client instead of the client being present. The healing works by intuition and intention and once the connection is made with the client, the healing energy knows where to go. Remote healing is as successful with its outcomes as a regular one-to-one healing in person.
Spirit Attachment and Release
There are more spirits wandering our earth than most people realise. When someone dies, their spirit goes up to the light accompanied by their own spirit guides. However if that person has passed away in circumstances which prevented them from completing or resolving something important, they may choose not to go up to the light, but remain earthbound in spirit form until they get the opportunity to complete what was outstanding. To help them achieve this they may attach to a person who they believe would be able to help them. This is called Spirit Attachment. An energy healer can see and communicate with those spirits, and help them resolve their issue. The healer then brings in passed-over members of their family or friends to accompany the spirit back up to the light.
Entity Attachment
There are several types of entity, but described here is the spirit who did dreadful things during their lifetime, lived the worst kind of life and refused to go up to the light when they passed over because they feared retribution.
It is relatively easy to identify when an entity is attached to someone, as the human would be doing things completely out of character. They would seem to have had a change of personality (for the worse), may become involved with unhealthy substances and activities, crime, suicidal tendencies and other out-of-character negative changes.
An energy healer can also sense when one of these entities is present as they have such a low vibration energy. An energy healer's vibration is high, so a low vibration entity in her field would be instantly recognisable.
Land and House Healing
Houses, when they were built, would have absorbed the energy of the architect. If the architect had enthusiasm and passion for his work, the house would attract buyers with enthusiasm and passion. If the builder of the house took pride in his work and produced a house with an excellent finish, the energy of it would attract buyers whose priority was a quality property. The energy is in the very fabric of the walls, when people live or work in a place, their energy field expands and any strong emotions or major events are absorbed by the fabric of the house. Imagine the wonderful vibrations coming from a house built, say 500 years ago with a constant stream of occupiers who lived there with enthusiasm, passion and a respect for the quality of the property. These buildings still exist, especially in Europe, for example Italy which has some of the most beautiful buildings ever created. The energy is key.
Conversely, if such a house becomes occupied by someone who maybe rented it but wasn’t too bothered by the quality, didn’t really feel any passion or enthusiasm as he wasn’t planning on staying long, he may find the house grated on his nerves because his energy didn’t match the house’s energy. Going a step further, if someone moved in who deliberately caused damage, they may find themselves facing the spirit of a former owner who had returned to see who was damaging his old home. The spirit would behave like a poltergeist, and make life so uncomfortable for the occupier he would be forced to leave.
Land also has an energy field, and it is relatively simple to see where, for instance, old battles may have taken place or unpleasant events happened. The vegetation covering the ground would be either sparse and scrubby, where it would be a real task to make anything attractive grow, or have plants which were thorny or prickly and formed an uninviting environment. The land also has invisible energy grid lines running through it, and if something occurred on the energy line which damaged it, the earth draws in the energy of the event magnetically and that same energy flows along the line damaging all vegetation in its path. On the upside, a happy event does exactly the same thing. A wedding for example with lots of people enjoying the event which was happening on an energy grid line, would magnetise the happy energy into the earth and send that along its line, prompting the earth to grow pretty flowers and plants.